Paper Selection Process

Paper selection process of ICAECT #

All the full length manuscripts submitted for consideration to ICAECT will be fairly evaluated by the Technical Program Committee (TPC) and International Review Committee (IRC) of ICAECT series. Review comments/reports will be forwarded to the corresponding author towards the further enhancement of the manuscript. However, the authors shall check the current status of the papers in the “Paper Status” section of the conference website.

Step 1 (Received) Abstracts* / full length papers received will be given paper ID** in relevant to the conference topic and track.

Step 2 (Under Screening) Initial screening review will be done by the Technical Program Committee of ICAECT. Initial screening include relevance to the conference topic, plagiarism***, organization of the paper, quality of figures/diagrams/illustrations/equations and etc.

Step 3 (Under Review) Papers got through Step 2 alone will be forwarded to technical review process.

Step 4 (Revision) Corresponding author will be notified the outcome of the review process and the revised version of the manuscript shall be submitted within fifteen days on the date of intimation.

Step 5 (Under Review) Revised version of the papers will be sent for reviewer to ensure that all the suggested corrections have been carried out. If the reviewer recommended for minor revision TPC recommends its decision to the organizing Chair on the paper.

Step 6 (Accept / Reject) Final decision will be taken by the organizing chair based on the recommendations by the reviewers / TPC and the same will be intimated to the corresponding authors.

Step 7 (CRP Received / Not Received) status of the Camera Ready Paper after the acceptance.

Step 8: (REG Complete / Pending) Status of the registration

# No paper will be accepted without screening review and technical review process
* Full length papers shall be submitted in order to consider the paper for review process.
** Paper ID will be provided all the received papers with in ONE working day from the conference email id. Authors are requested to contact the TPC through the conference email id, If the paper ID had not received within the time frame.
*** TPC of ICAECT check for possible plagiarism TWICE, first after receiving the paper and then at the stage of acceptance. Though ICAECT carefully check for plagiarism there are some possibilities for wrong plagiarism results, hence ICAECT encourages the authors to take sole responsibility for plagiarism when they submit their papers.

Previous editions of ICAECT had participants from the following countries